
Some ideas that should became blog posts

When a command needs a file as argument

Some commands/scripts might need a file as argument, but you might want to echo something instead.

Simple solution I found, instead of creating a file for a quick run:

$ echo "Some thing that should be in a file" | command-that-requires-a-file /dev/stdin

Since /dev/stdin is a readable file, this should work in most cases.

Ruby logic tables

Logic and

> [true, false].repeated_permutation(4) { _1 << _1.reduce(:&) }
=> [[true, true, true, true, true],
 [true, true, true, false, false],
 [true, true, false, true, false],
 [true, true, false, false, false],
 [true, false, true, true, false],
 [true, false, true, false, false],
 [true, false, false, true, false],
 [true, false, false, false, false],
 [false, true, true, true, false],
 [false, true, true, false, false],
 [false, true, false, true, false],
 [false, true, false, false, false],
 [false, false, true, true, false],
 [false, false, true, false, false],
 [false, false, false, true, false],
 [false, false, false, false, false]]

Logic or

> [true, false].repeated_permutation(4) { _1 << _1.reduce(:|) }
=> [[true, true, true, true, true],
 [true, true, true, false, true],
 [true, true, false, true, true],
 [true, true, false, false, true],
 [true, false, true, true, true],
 [true, false, true, false, true],
 [true, false, false, true, true],
 [true, false, false, false, true],
 [false, true, true, true, true],
 [false, true, true, false, true],
 [false, true, false, true, true],
 [false, true, false, false, true],
 [false, false, true, true, true],
 [false, false, true, false, true],
 [false, false, false, true, true],
 [false, false, false, false, false]]

Git tricks

  • Explore some useful git scripts/alias that I created over the years
    • git exclude
    • git today
    • git branch-main
    • grt
    • nvim-diff/rspec-diff/etc
  • Explain about the git-* in the user $PATH
  • Explore less known git features like:
    • $GIT_PAGER
    • Log single function (for some langs) changes from given date:
      • git log --oneline -s -L:serveContent:src/net/http/fs.go --since="2021-02-16"
    • Log between patterns from a file:
      • git log -L "/def name_of_your_method/,/^\s*end/:lib/path/to/your/file.rb"

Code alignment

Keeping the code aligned to the left makes it easier to read (assuming that you are programming in a language written from left to right). Since we read from left to right having most of the code aligned to the left means that you have more code visible. Reference

Your code contains a hierarchy of elements, be it classes, methods, loops or even nested loops. Each hierarchy has its own commands and components which are not available for outer scopes. These blocks of code need to be in the same vertical line or levels to see which variables belong to which block. Reference

Code is communication

  • Like public communication
    • we should have the same concerns of a public speach
  • Wiios laws in coding
  • Empathy
    • we need empathy with the people and the state when the code was created
  • Other communication treats

Proud gambiarra

  • Explore how I script local/personal solutions for my day-to-day coding and debugging.
  • Explain how this like upgrade and git exclude are powerful tools to keep local tooling